God the Drug
I’m sitting here reading Chapter 17 of Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley and I am blown away. In a world that seeks only happiness I see so little of it. The man in this book, the only real man, is defending God against happiness and everything that he is saying fits perfectly.
I get the feeling that most people do not see God for the pain and suffering that he brings. They only want to see the happy side of God and they thing think that they can be happy at all times. But the only way to always be happy all the time is to be on a flat smooth emotional plain. Drugs try to find this plain and people think that the answer will come in only seeing what they want to see but this is not the way to go. It is not the way for me. I have a feeling that if more people saw God as no so happy a being or as Job sees God as the true giver and take of everything. If only they saw god as the emotional mountain range that he is. I feel like too many people get hung up on the good side of God that when they finally find his bad side that they think that it is something wrong with them and they try to force it away rather than embrace it. There is something to be said about the idea of embracing pain. You embrace God, with the pain, and see a truer side of yourself when you are being pushed to the ends of the earth.
I have been told by many believers that I ask some hard question. And they leave it at that or tell me that I must find out on my own. Everybody must find out on their own, this I know, but I do not find enough people even trying (I have been blessed to see ones that are trying). I see more people drugging themselves with God rather than looking him in the eye and asking him the hard questions and suffering the consequences. I will never be a slave to God the Drug but I will always try to walk by the creator of all things, the binding force of the universe. I was not conditions to follow blindly.