
Two Cups Of Coffee and Faith.

No mater what, I feel like I have learned a great deal about faith in the short time that I have had it. Faith is not what I thought it would be. I expected to gain faith and gain a better life, what ever that means. But that is not the way of it. That is not what faith is about. I thought faith was for my gain and I was wrong. Faith is for the gain of those around me. Those who are living next to me and walking in what ever direction they desire. I have learned that faith does not require huge leaps and great life changes. Faith is about trusting your heart. Trusting that no matter what happens in you life, no matter what you do there is always love. There is always a light and there is always hope. Faith is not about knowing the bible or knowing the way to live right. Faith is about living life and exploring this gift that we have been given to its fullest. There is life because life must be lived. There is a reason for everything no matter what we know or think.
I will not force myself to live a life that I am not meant to live. I will not exist in an awkward state of unbalance and pretend that God will reward me for contorting myself into a shape that he did not shape me into. A shape that he keeps pushing me out of. I will live life and I will trust that is it where I am to be. I will not pray out of social pressure and I will not do what I do not want to do because I feel that I need to fit in. Fuck not cursing. I tried that and sometimes you simple can not express what is inside. Live with balance, it hurts when the rock that is on the other side of the seesaw rolls down and crushes you. Love and have faith that you love.
Christ was about revolutionizing the heart of mankind. About bring love to the world. I get the feeling that the world is in a hell of a lot of need for a good revolution. Be the rebel. Follow your heart before any leader, idea or temporal thing of this world. Trust your heart because sometimes your heart is the only thing that you know will be there.
Celebrate the gift of life do not condemn it.

If only I would start living the way that I write.
Viva la Love


Anonymous Anonymous said...

525,600 Mins. Thats how

2/11/06 23:21  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey honey, i'm glad you came last night. i really cherish your wisdom and your presence. it's refreshing.

have a good day, today, okay?


6/11/06 12:20  

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