

I have been realizing more and more how much of my life I live out of fear.

In high school I never dated. To be completely honest I have never had a girlfriend. I was always afraid that I would hurt who ever came close to me. At least that is what I would say in my head to make myself feel better about not doing something that I knew in my heart I should have done. I was blind back then (not saying that I am any different now but I see things differently). Love is not about not hurting somebody it is about riding it out with them. It is about tying yourself their sinking ship just because you do not want to see them go it alone. It is about seeing the beauty in everything and living that beauty. It is about seeing the world collapsing around you and knowing that all that matters are those at your side those that you love. Really I have no idea what love is, and these things sound very idealist. At the same I have spent too many years standing on the edge of that emotional cliff afraid of what is below. Perhaps it is about time I trusted someone other than myself for once and just jumped and see were that wind takes me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was beautiful, chronic. that was absolutely beautiful.

"It is about tying yourself their sinking ship just because you do not want to see them go it alone."


"It is about seeing the world collapsing around you and knowing that all that matters are those at your side those that you love."

it absolutely is. it's not idealistic...it's true. love is hard and it hurts sometimes and you will hurt someone and they will hurt you, but you push through it. love doesn't just happen and the right person doesn't just fall out of thin air. a good relationship is made and you work your ass off for it. believe me...take it from someone who has thought so many times that she loved someone and didn't realize until very recently (about 4 months ago) that love was so much more than she bargained for in the first place...and so much more than she could have ever have imagined.

love you, kid.


27/9/06 14:17  

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