
On Love

So I talk about love a great deal. It is one of those essentials to life that you can not live without. I talk about how it is needed and how I need it and how I want to show it but I never talk about what it is. To tell you the truth I’m not sure that I will be able to tell what it is. I have no complete definition of it. It is a powerful feeling of connection. But then again all feelings are of connection. Hated is a wish that you did not have a connection. Happiness is a sense of connection with what is around you. Somehow love seems different from all of those it seems deeper and more real.

When I look at the world I see illusions and my senses remotely interpreting what might not be there at all. When I look at the love I have in my life, the love that I know to be true, I see something more solid that the greatest of mountains. I see something that is more powerful that the sun. Something so brilliant that you think that it will kill you but it does not it sustains you.

This real love is not the most common thing, in face it is rare. People fake love and you can tell. People mistake lesser forms of love for this because they have never experienced this greater kind of love. But when you find this love it becomes uncontrollable and lashes out to all that are around. It is a powerful thing of goodness.

I digress, I have not done what I set out to do I have described love and have given features to recognize it but I have not told what it is. For me love is my soul reaching out into the darkness that is left when physical reality see as it is, fake. Love is when my soul finds something of light in that darkness and together with that other we reach out to more. In the end we are all lone souls holding dearly onto each other. In the end we are all one.

Sadly my definition means nothing. I have not defined the majority of what I used to define love. I have declared that what I can define has the possibility of not being real and I am building a reality based on things that I can never fully define. There must be something wrong with this. I feel like I am building on sand but then again I can not define God either and I am building on him, I think I’m build on him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

philosopher richard rorty describes life as 'bodies clinging to one another in the dark.'

i'd really like to talk to you about all this...all of these things you're mentioning are things that i have thought extensively about and yet this summer i haven't been challenged enough to continue on with them.

and it's true...once you experience love in its very real manifestation, you realize what you've been missing out on for so long. and you really don't want to go back.

22/7/06 19:08  

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