
Not a Christian

It has occurred to me of late that I am fighting the way that I have been for the whole of my life. A year ago if you would have asked me what religion I was I would have given you this response: “I am not a religious man but I am a spiritual man.” I get the feeling that when I first accepted Christ I automatically thought that I must follow a religion. Structure has never been a good thing for me and I fond myself in a mental battle with many of the Christian ways of life. I see too many of these ways at odds with much of what I have learned from Christ. So I no longer consider myself a Christian. I’m not saying that I no longer believe in salvation through Christ. Far from it. What I am saying is that by classifying myself I do not feel that I can pursue God and Christ with the full passion that I would like to. The world is too great to be strapped down by titles, and classifications.
What does this make me then? I really have no Idea what this makes me but I feel that I must always pursue truth and I feel that this is my way of doing that. What is truth?


Blogger Kalen said...

Yes, I do believe there are certain things you must follow to be Christian, but not nessarily all the docterines that come with a 'religion'. I think now days people merge the two into one. You choose to follow certain doctorine of the church, while being Christian means follow essentially the Commandments.

4/6/06 00:35  

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